A Lifetime of Faith, Resilience, and Enduring Joy

Mrs. Karubanga, is a remarkable woman at the age of 93, who radiates happiness in her newfound salvation. She greeted us with a joyful anthem of the brethren, “Tukutendereza Yesu,” setting a vibrant tone for our encounter.

Mrs. Karubanga’s journey of faith began when she accepted Jesus Christ at the age of 16. Over the decades, she has experienced the world’s temptations and pleasures, facing numerous challenges along the way. At times, they found themselves in situations where they were almost overwhelmed, but the grace of God always came to their rescue.

Mukama Ruhanga abalinde inywena

In her words, Mrs. Karubanga shared that she encountered rejection from various religious groups, and the devil persistently attempted to lead her astray. However, her determination to stay on the path of faith never wavered. She urged those on a similar journey not to give up, emphasizing that the road to salvation is marked with ups and downs, hills and valleys. But by persevering, they can overcome the temptations and trials that come their way.

With unwavering faith, Mrs. Karubanga looks forward to the day when the Lord will call her home. She prays that God will use each of us to reach places she may not have reached herself. In her native language, she says, “Mukama Ruhanga abalinde nywena,” meaning, “May the Lord God keep you all.”

In her closing words, she uses a simple yet powerful analogy: “Should those in salvation quit? No, it’s like giving you a piece of meat with a bone in it. Do you throw it away? No, you eat all the meat and throw away the bone.” Mrs. Karubanga’s life story serves as an inspiring testament to the enduring strength of faith and the rewards that await those who persevere on their spiritual journey.

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